Probable personalities as opposed to alternative realities.  Reincarnation.  Soul Gestalts and Soul identies.
The last two entries on my website have been first Pg. VII are related to both politics as well as spiritual matters... read if you care to...
Page VI on my website:
I'm speaking of politics, divided sleep patterns, more gestalt theory, parallel streams of consciousness, Dream relationship to gestalt theory and parallel streams of consciousness.
Page V: Who is my Guide, Waban.  I try to answer this question once more.  I have in other entries, but never devoting an entry to that purpose completely.
Page V: Waban speaks on dreams, mine and yours, and alternative realities.  He speaks of the way we exist and plan our life's experiences through dreams. 
Page V:  Dreams and how they relate to alternative realities and soul gestalt purpose.  Interconnection between this reality and another.  The Soul does not lose itself through alternative realities.
I have corrected and added to the last two entries on my webpage,  My spirituality embraces Soul Gestalt Groups, alternative realities, and parallel universes as well as Native American Spirituality and Druidism. 

I am examining the connection between politics and spirituality as it relates to our everyday lives.  I have touched on such subjects as the Tea Party, Warren Buffet, Big Business and its role in our politics.  I connect so called reincarnations to what is going on right now politically and spiritually.  I talk about News Media and political humorists like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Bill Maher.  Often humor can bring real and new insights to politics and social commentary in general.  Where as our politicians are in cahoots with Big Business through there lobbyists, and so is Mass Media.  The political humorists are not.  They make their statements to the response of the public to their programs.  They have every incentive to be unbiased and fair.  Take a look if you are interested.
I try not to wax political on my site,, because I do believe that I am about spirituality.  But I realized on the 6th that politics is even a part of spirituality.  I’ll proof read this later and see if this is really what I want to say.  If you want to read knowing it is political rhetoric then go right ahead.  If you do not choose to do so, then that is your prerogative.  I’m not telling anyone what to believe politically.  What I am asking you to do is question politics and the politicians who are supposed to support us. 

  We Make our own reality with our conscious and subconscious thought patterns.

I discuss the above topic on my website and expound upon exercises to allow the individual Entity focused into physical reality a closer connection with the subconscious or Soul Gestalt of said Entity.
I have added more to my last entries on Pg. V... on the subject of ghosts and alternative realities as they relate to multidimensional aspects of Soul Gestalts...